January 8, 2012

Fully Loaded Blog Post!

Man so I've been neglecting my blog as usual :(  Lots of updates...

First of all hope your holidays were a blast and happy new year to you all! Now to the goods...

I've been slowly working on this new animation which I'm really excited about. Once its done i think itll be the best animation I've ever done before. Heres my blocking pass.

Ideally I'd love to have it finished by the end of the month but it'll probably be done sometime in February.I wanted to have it finished by the end of the year but got caught up with a bunch of holiday projects.

The first project was 2011 holiday card. For the last 5 years I make a new holiday card every year and plan to continue this until i die! This is what came out of my brain this holiday season.


I also decided to make some paintings this year as gifts. I did a series of a bunch of mini paintings.

First up we got the Octostache.


and then the School of Fart Knox

now everybody get together for a group photo


The paintings don't stop there. I also decided to paint my girlfriend her very own painting this year as well!

This little guy known as Schermee wiggled his way into her heart on Christmas day.


That was pretty much my month of December but have no fear the projects aren't stopping!

I'm still in the early stages of kinda working on a web comic more to come on that soon hopefully. I'm also currently working on some sketches of one of my friends. Then Last night I was talking to a friend and decided hey lets get some people together and do this monthly drawing thing! That'll be fun right? Right! What it is is a drawing a day for 30 days I think It'll be a nice fun little thing to do and also itll get this poor little blog some of the tender lovin it deserves.

Heres the list of some things you can expect to come out of this event!


Those of you reading this feel free to do it as well! I always say the more the merrier especially when it comes to a big motivational gather project like this one.

So stay tuned for lots of updates and this project first drawing will be up later today because day 1 begins now!

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