March 19, 2011

Hellooooooo Nnnnnnnnnnnew York!

Whoa long time no update! Lots of exciting news

Few months back i applied to Reel FX Apprenticeship program again but unfortunately didnt get it. I knew it was time to try something new and as of Feb 28th I now live in New York!!!

The move happened so fast had 12 days to pack up and move! Im finally settled in now for the most part. Trying to Start to get creative again.

Last week I submitted a design to Mugo for their discover series. Theres some pretty awesome designs and it was a fun experience whether it gets made or not Dewey still makes me giggle.
I've also had a commission painting in the works for a while. Now that im settled im ready to finalize the drawing and get to work! Im doing a piece with the creature from the black lagoon and im pretty excited about it.

I also just recently got Flash cs5 and I'm going to attempt to get serious about flash and make some fun little shorts. I plan on going back and actually animating this video I planned out over 2 years ago!

animatic from David Bruck on Vimeo.

I just ordered this book to help me out on my journey. Excited for it to come in the mail!

I also will be working on a new animation of this funny sound clip I came across so stay tooned to the blog cause there should be a lot more updates comming this way.

Also now Im living in New York all the awesome things i used to want to do i can finally do!

Friday i will be attending the opening for too art for tv 5! Im pretty excited to be in a room with so many awesome animators and their art work! Looking forward to hopefully making some new friends and hoping one year ill I can exhibit some work in this show

Im also anxiously awaiting the the grand opening of Tara McPherson's new store! I will be attending the opening April 9th and hopefully snagging one of them awesome melvins tshits!


Last but not least I just signed up for Run for the Wild. Its a 5k run thru the bronx zoo to benefits penguins! Im pretty excited about it should be lots of fun. If you'd like to make a donation and support my team and the penguins click it

Alright so im pretty excited about all these projects and will be posting progress as it moves along!

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