January 8, 2009

Stop Mo and New Toys YEAAAAA

Yesterday I went to Tates Comics one of my favorite stores ever and i saw some new Teddy Troops toys. The basic model of teddy troops are always awesome but i was like man i dont even know what this series looks like so i didnt get them. Theen last night and today i was like man i want those toys. I decided to go and i was only gonna buy one but then i was like no i need to get 2. So I did. I open them and I got 2 of the same exact TOY!

I was a little bummed but not really cause they are so awesome doubles are ok with this set cause it just makes your army bigger, So then i went in and bought a 3rd one. Made my brother pick it out cause he has lucky fingers. I open it and I got the FRANK KOZIK one!

so theres 11 toys in total i believe so i still need 9 more cause they are awesome.

anyways i was playing around with my toys a little bit and decided to make a short little stop motion video.

Destroy! from David Bruck on Vimeo.

its not the best thing and its super cheesy but it was fun to make. ok well that its for now hopeing to start workin on the 11 second club soon for this month if i do then ill post my work in progress as it actually progresses. Thats it for now Enjoy!